
Login to system

To log in to your account you need to know your e-mail address that you used when installing and password. Go to the main page HrefSystem. In the field E-mail, enter your e-mail address and the Password field your password. Then click Login. ... - Read more

Password reminder

In case you forget the password to access the system, you can reset it. Go to the main page of the program, then click Remind password from the top menu. On the page, enter in the E-mail your e-mail address from which you installed the software. Th... - Read more

Password change

When you want to, you can change the password to access your system. To do this, enter by clicking the top menu, select Change password. Then, in the Old password, enter your current password, the New Password and Repeat new password by entering th... - Read more


The first thing you should do is log on to the system. We go to the homepage which is available at the login window. In the E-mail, we enter our e-mail address provided during installation and in the Password field the password. Then just click on th... - Read more

Password reminder

Forgotten password to log on is not a problem if we correct configured our server to send mail during the installation. On the home page in the top menu, choose the option Forgotten your password. The site that we showed we fill two fields. The firs... - Read more

Password change

Change the password for our account we make gets called in when we're logged in. It should be in the upper menu select Change Password. The website has a form intended for entering data. The first field is the Old password for the current passwor... - Read more

Login to the system

In the Web browser, enter the URL of our domain along with the space in which the system is installed. A window will appear asking for the data to authenticate. In the E-mail, enter your e-mail address and password during installation, which we recei... - Read more

Changing the password to the system

The password was given during installation, but you can change them. The best way to security of the system is to change passwords every two weeks, or when we see in the system logs that another unauthorized person logged into our account. Move the c... - Read more

Password reminder

When you forget your password, you can reset it very easily. Go to the program's home page, then click the Remind password link from the top menu. On the new page, type your e-mail address in the E-mail field. Another Captcha field is used to rew... - Read more

Password change

At any time, you can change your account password. To do this, click the Change Password option from the top menu. Then, enter your current password in the Old Password field, New Password and Repeat New Password field by typing in the same, new pass... - Read more

Creating a file to store passwords

The place in the database where your main password, categories, subcategories and passwords will be located. Most of the data will be encrypted, without the possibility of retrieving it in the absence of a password. Remember that your password cannot... - Read more

Logging into a file where passwords are stored

Open the main page of the program and under the heading Login to phpBlueDragon PassWeb choose from the list of Select file our file containing the password, then in the Password field enter the password. At the very end click on the Open button. ... - Read more

Setting a new master password

The program also gives you the possibility to change the main password to your account. Click on the Main Password button in the top menu. On the website there are fields Old password - you need to enter your current password, New password and Rep... - Read more

Password generator

The ability to generate passwords is a useful tool when we don't know too much which password we want to use. Click on the Generator button from the top menu. Now you can select from the list: Upercase - capital letters such as A, B, C, D, etc... - Read more


Select and click the Passwords button from the top menu. We have been moved to a page with categories and passwords stored in each of them. Adding a new password Go to the Passwords tab from which you can select any category. Then on the right ... - Read more

Restoring the password after a change

The main password during the change may cause a problem, when the connection to the server is broken, the server itself will have a temporary break in operation as well as for many other reasons. Old passwords, category and subcategory names and o... - Read more

Changing the master password

A very important place where we can change the password to a new one for the whole file. Click on the main menu on the Options item and select Change Main Password from it. The new window contains a form in which we fill in the fields: Old Passwor... - Read more

Generator of random passwords

The password draw generator is very useful when you have a problem with inventing a new password, which is also difficult to guess. Click Options in the main menu and select Password Generator from it. The new window allows you to select character... - Read more

Adding, Editing, Deleting, Duplicationg, Copying password

Adding a password In the window where categories are available, select one of them by clicking on it. Then select Add entry from the Edit menu. A new window has opened in which we fill in the fields: Icons - select the icon for our entry, Title... - Read more

Option of time after which the clipboard will be emptied

Default time in which data from the program is stored in the clipboard for up to 10 seconds. This can be changed for a file that has been opened. Click on Option from the main menu and select Option from this menu. The new window contains Seconds ... - Read more

Adding a password for documents

The software has an option such as adding a password for the document. By adding a password no one except the person who knows the password will be able to see what is inside the file. In the main menu we click on the left side on the button Add encr... - Read more

Password removal for documents

The program has the ability to remove the password from any number of files, provided that the password to all files is the same. A useful option if you have been setting up bulk passwords for all your documents using the software. Now you don't ... - Read more

Secure passwords

I'm currently working on phpBlueDragon Pass software. It will be used to store passwords on your computer. Later I will also develop software in a network version. Passwords are encrypted with 256-bit keys and the highest status is not allowed to... - Read more

Web version of the secure password storage program

Work on a program designed to store passwords on a local computer is over. I have now also started working on a program to store passwords on a server. I will be advising only the version with SSL certificate. Otherwise such an application misses ... - Read more

First publication of a program for storing passwords on the Internet

I created a program thanks to which you can store your own passwords on the Internet. This is not mass production by a company that can suddenly change ownership. The program is designed to be installed on your server. Only you will have access to it... - Read more