Project - link - received of e-mail
After checking the links if you selected the project of sending e-mails they have come your inbox after the validation of the project. Available in e-mail data on the project name, address checking, and the date when the check was carried out. Below... - Read more
Edit e-mail
Place designed for the content of messages sent to you in case you forget your password or the generated report. Title field is designed to message topic. Field Content on its content. At the top fields are contained pseudo variables that you can p... - Read more
Sending group e-mails - mailing
You have a large number of customers and would like to send them a list of e-mail, however, you think that the fee in all kinds of systems to the mailing are too high. I've got a proposition for you. Try my program Tabbed Mailer - send group em... - Read more
Send newsletter straight from the web server
The delivery system of group e-mails is too expensive? Well, no! I prepared, because of my condition, which can not work for health reasons software with which I am trying to make a living. The program PhpBlueDragon Mailer - send newsletters to gro... - Read more
Edit e-mails
The system provides the ability to change the content of e-mails sent to us when, for example, the password recall. In order to edit them, click on the top menu Editing E-mail. The website has a form in which the Title, enter the title of the message... - Read more
Send mass e-mail lists with your server
The system by which you can automate sending e-mails to a group of recipients. It equipped with a group of recipients so that you can sort people for the harvest. Messages are divided into sketches, sent and currently being sent. You can use this sys... - Read more
Send e-mails to a large group of people
Sending a mailing to a large group of people, however, you want to maintain the confidentiality of addresses. The program was written to only one computer, so that nobody legibility of your e-mails. It has a group in which to put the recipients addre... - Read more
E-mails in groups
In each group can be defined any number of e-mail addresses. Click on the menu File, then select the option Groups. On the right, select a group by one click, and then click the menu on the left side position Edit group e-m... - Read more
Adding e-mail to the group
Adding e-mail to the group make when you see its contents by clicking on the menu File, next select Groups, select a group and click on the left menu item Edit group e-mails. Click on the menu on the left side of the option Add... - Read more
Edit e-mail group
Editing addresses is done by selecting a group. Click on the menu File, then choose the option Groups. Now click on the chosen by our group, and select the left menu item Edit group e-mails. We choose the address we want t... - Read more
Deleting an e-mail from group
Removals of the address the e-mail can be made after the entry into the group. We click on the menu File, and we choose from him the option Groups. From the right we choose the group across the single click, and then from the left menu we choose th... - Read more
Import the e-mail
The import is a very useful tool if we want to load the peck of addresses without the necessity of their manual transcription. We click on the menu File, then we choose from him the option Groups. From the right we choose the group to which mom the... - Read more
Export the e-mail
The export of mail helps to prepare the copy of addresses the e-mail together with all with data of recorded in the data. We click on the menu File, we choose from him the option Groups. Now from the right we are marking the group from which addres... - Read more
The sending group e-mails
PhpBlueDragon Mailer - send newsletters to groups of recipients, editing in the WYSIWYG editor is software for sending group e-mails otherwise known newsletter. It can also apply to employees in your company, if there are a very large number, and s... - Read more
Browse of addresses the e-mail belonging to the given group
With the First element which one ought to select is invading a cursor on the menu of the Group, then we choose the option Review. On the page will remain shown groups which are found in the system. We choose this to which subscribers we want to enter... - Read more
Addition of the new address to subscribers
In the main menu we run against Groups, then the option Review. We pass to the group to which we want to add the new subscriber and we click after her right side on the link See the group. Now we are already in the group we can add the new address th... - Read more
Edition of the address of the subscriber
Invade on the menu on Groups, then we choose the option Review. We see before ourselves the group which is found in the system. In the quorum we click on the link See the group. We are found on the page together with membership of the group. We choos... - Read more
Removal of data of the subscriber
Invade in the main menu on Groups, then on the option Review. We choose the group whose subscriber interests us. We click from the right groups on the icon See the group. There become shown to us data on the subject her contents. We choose the addres... - Read more
Import of addresses the e-mail to the group
Large facilitation is the possibility of the import to the program of addresses the e-mail, thanks to this it is not necessary all addresses the e-mail to enter manually. We run against the menu of the Group, and then we choose from him the option th... - Read more
Export of addresses the e-mail from the group
System enables the export of addresses the e-mail of being found in the given group thanks one can them use in other program or else make by means of this option the backup of the part of the system. We run against the menu of the Group, then we choo... - Read more
The emission of group e-mail
You would like to have the program to the emission of group-letters the available e-mail only on your computer to be able to limit the leakage of sensitive data for the company? I will introduce briefly the program phpBlueDragon LocalMailer - send gr... - Read more
Emission of group e-mail
You would like to have the program to the emission of group-letters the available e-mail only on your computer to be able to limit the leakage of sensitive data for the company? I will introduce briefly the program phpBlueDragon LocalMailer. The soft... - Read more
E-mail editing
Edit the content of messages sent to you in case you forget your password. The Title field is about the message, the Content box on its content. At the top of the fields are the variables that are entered in the Content box when they are sent to the ... - Read more