Send newsletter straight from the web server

The delivery system of group e-mails is too expensive? Well, no! I prepared, because of my condition, which can not work for health reasons software with which I am trying to make a living. The program PhpBlueDragon Mailer - send newsletters to groups of recipients, editing in the WYSIWYG editor has the ability to add recipients in the group, which include e-mail and other optional information such as your name, phone, company, etc. It is through groups can personalize sent email list and select the recipients to whom the message should be delivered . All messages can be sent from any account the shipping, which is defined in a special panel. While the definition of accounts is also possible to include in the authorization SSL/TTL in most programs is not possible. Edition of messages is done through the built-in WYSIWYG editor, which will guide you through the process using the wizards, as this is done in Microsoft Word. In addition, I added the ability to upload files to the server, and then insert them into the newsletter. This capability greatly to slim our e-mail and image files will be retrieved from the server. Statistics read e-mail allow you to create a spreadsheet for the customer. Lists are equipped with a special tag to indicate the server to read the message. The software can also be connected to the server by using CRON, so that after adding a message, it is automatically sent to recipients without our share of a strictly specified time. The software is available in two version. The first is a freeware with some restrictions, while the second is their payware completely devoid. Consider buying program, as I slowly on a rehabilitation and provide the means to live.