Sending group e-mails - mailing

You have a large number of customers and would like to send them a list of e-mail, however, you think that the fee in all kinds of systems to the mailing are too high. I've got a proposition for you. Try my program Tabbed Mailer - send group emails and newsletters with groups and TTL/SSL designed to send group e-mail message, and then if those responsible can be purchased. The software is equipped with a system of dividing customers into groups. In each group, in addition to the e-mail address are also data such as name, phone, etc. With this you can e-mail lists, add a personal salutation, so the message will not be treated as just another spam. Accounts for shipping can also be added without restriction, which gives you the ability to send as many messages as much as you dream, all from different servers. Edition of e-mail is similar to editing a document in MS Word file. All thanks to the WYSIWYG editor is done using wizards and is very easy to use. Try whether the software will meet your requirements. With its purchase let me treatment, as after past operations two notches cancer of the brain, unfortunately, but it is not cheap.