I have published source code of OpenSource applications developed under GPL 3 license. I hope that by browsing through the source code you will be able to see bugs and propose new solutions. The source code is also available on GitHub in my repositor... - Read more
Currently, the programmes: GetPozition, HrefSystem, PassWeb and WykopApi are published as OpenSource projects on SourceForge platform. I invite you to download and develop.
https://sourc... - Read more
The time has come to say goodbye to PHP version 5. Although the CodeIgniter software will run on the new PHP version I prefer not to risk that the day will come when PHP version 5 will be disabled due to incompatibility. That is why I am moving all m... - Read more
Yesterday being Labor Day which is celebrated by people on both the left and the right. This celebration reminds us that we can be proud of ourselves by doing even the most humiliating activity as work. As long as it is needed by humanity such a pers... - Read more