
Main page

Website contains free software and code creation tips. Available programs are released under freeware license with the ability to view the source code. The software is written in two languages: PHP for Web servers and C# to be used on local computers... - Read more

Main page

Home contains a list of projects added to our system. Fields in turn indicate ID project, its details or name, the URL you want to check, the date of the last test, the number of days between tests. In addition, on the right side are two buttons fo... - Read more

Main page

The place from which you can manage your projects. There is a button Add new project is used to add a new page and a table of already present in the system content. The columns are the project number, name, url, number of keywords that are checking a... - Read more

Checking your links exist on other sites

You placed links, or they have purchased and you do not have time to check if you still see pages? The program will do it for you. Check the existence of links, or has not been added to them NoFollow attribute, check how many links are on the page, d... - Read more

Web page

Going on a Web page software is done by clicking on the Help menu, and then select options WWW. Then the page will open in your default web browser. ... - Read more

Checking the site in Google search results

Is your company would like to have constant insight on how this site is positioned? Download and install the system on your server. With the possibility of the program and offered functions checking websites will be possible. The software has no li... - Read more

The home page after the login

On the home page of the system available are statistics, in order to one could observe how much activity we made in our system to the emission mass-letters the e-mail to subscribers. We access to quantities being found in the system of sketches of t... - Read more

Home page of program

The site contains links to all sections of the system for servicing Wykop. There are access management options, the ability to add comments to the post, publish a blog post, browse the posts in the recommended sections and dig. You can also search by... - Read more

New home page

Website contains free software and code creation tips. Available programs are released under freeware license with the ability to view the source code. The software is written in two languages: PHP for Web servers and C# to be used on local computers... - Read more


Other elements concerning the operation of the program. Location where we are located Under the main menu there is an access path where you are currently located. This will make it easier to navigate through the category tree. Exit progr... - Read more

Open source pages moved to a new address

Because of the large size and willingness to further develop both the home page and the presentation of the application source codes I decided to create a separate page. Source codes can be found at the address: http://opensource.phpbluedragon.eu. ... - Read more

Main page

Website contains free software and code creation tips. Available programs are released under freeware license with the ability to view the source code. The software is written in two languages: PHP for Web servers and C# to be used on local computers... - Read more


Ending the program To exit the software, select File from the main menu and then Exit from the submenu. Figure 1: Software exit Open the program's web page in a web browser If you want to open the home page of the software to see ... - Read more

New versions of the website with information about the foundation

I have created new pages that are a replacement for the old ones, where I present my person and ask for help in donating to the foundation thanks to which it is possible to run this website and software development. Currently, the admin panel is a de... - Read more