New message – the addition of display files
Part of persons sending a message wants to put in them display files, so that be found on the server, thanks to what a message on the smaller size. Files are received from the server, instead of to be sent together with the message. Advantages of such operation are substantially two. First is the size of the message which will be smaller, and second the not repulse the e-mail through antispam systems.
We run against the menu of the Message, we choose from him the New message. We pass on the card the Message HTML to the field the Content.
In the editor situated in the system is found the field a Small picture which we click.
Then on the card THE INFORMATION ON THE SMALL PICTURE close to the field the Address is url found the button Review. Thanks to the addition to the editor we can choose pictures from our hard disk, and then upload it to the folder on the server and put in our message.