Edition of the account to the shipment
Click on the menu main on Accounts, we pass to the table from where were defined data of accounts. After selecting of one we pass right side up the table, it is found there the button Edit which we click.
On the page with is found the form intended to the add data. The field the Name will serve to us to the identification of the account from among all other which we will add. The name (the description) is intended on the brief description which will help to determine to us to what the account serves. The organization – in this field enter the name which will be shown in e-mail as textual of the representation of the sender. The field From serves to the definition of the address the e-mail of the account from which becoming sent a message. The answer is a field intended on the address the e-mail on which user will answer the given e-mail, if it will remain empty of the answer they will be directed under the address from the field From. The Server SMTP is intended on the address of the mail server, in this instance must be this the server SMTP. The next field that is Ports serves to the definition of the port on which the script will be in contact with the server. In case of if the server required the authorization (servers almost always require) we must mark the field the Server requires the authorization. After the mark of the field, the field Login and the Password will become active. In the field Login we enter login to the server SMTP which was introduced to the system, and in the field the Password we enter the password for which user data we gave higher. Then the field by he Break (the quantity of the message) serves to the definition what how much sent a message the program is supposed to take a break (the emission of the message in one sequence, can be treated by antispam filters as the unwanted message). At the end the form in the field the Break-time we define how much are supposed to be lasted by the pause. When we will finish the setting up of the account, we click on the button Update the account.