

The program is also equipped with categories that allow you to group texts according to their topics. Adding a category In the main window of the programs click on the Add category button. Fill in the Category name field and click Add. A new ca... - Read more


Texts are elements where we define their different forms by using parentheses. In this way, you can get many different possibilities from a single text, which you can enter into the program. The text to be changed must be inserted between square brac... - Read more


Other system options and capabilities Program close Click on the File menu from which you can select Exit. The program will be closed. About the programme Displaying information about the program and the elements used in it. You can do th... - Read more

Convert Word files to PDF, image, RTF, text, HTML, ODT, EPUB

With the software, you can convert Microsoft Word files (*. doc, *. docx) to different formats, which allows you to read documents on different devices. Formats the software converts to: PDF - the most popular folder for storing and transfer... - Read more

New programs: document collection and SEO text generation

I have prepared new programs that they are: A program for collecting documents, arranging them in a hierarchy, with its own basket and the ability to clean it. The second one is software for SEO enthusiasts. Very simple, allowing you to automaticall... - Read more