

The program allows you to segregate documents by categories. Adding a category You can add a new category by clicking on the Add category button at the bottom left of the program. Fill in the Category name field with the name of the category yo... - Read more


The program allows you to segregate documents by subcategories. Adding a subcategory The first thing is to select a Category in the list by clicking on it. In this category, our subcategory will be added. Then click on the Add subcategory butto... - Read more


The program allows you to add, edit and view documents. Addition of documents Choose the Category in which you want to add your documents. Then click on the Add item button on the upper right side of the program. The new window is used to defin... - Read more

Browsing the Trash folder

The Trash folder contains the deleted items or items that were included in the categories we deleted. The buttons here are available: Restore - to restore the item and Clear trash - to clean the basket. Restoring items from the Trash folder ... - Read more


Other system options and capabilities Termination of the programme Click on the File menu and select Exit. Information on the programme Click on the Help menu and select About. Website Click on the Help menu and choose the W... - Read more

Information about the development environment and my health

The first entry in the blog, which will be dedicated to my passion, which is programming applications mainly for the Web, but also for fixed programs in the .NET framework. In my opinion, Microsoft's opening up to other operating systems will be ... - Read more

Creating a book on C# and "windowed" applications

I'm ripe for writing a book on developing "windowed" applications using Visual Studio and the C# language, which will be the backbone of programming in the coming years. With the addition of the .NET platform (not to be confused with the .NET Framewo... - Read more

New site prepared for the transition to PHP version 8

I prepared a new site, which, due to the entry into the use of PHP version 8, had to be written in software that supports this language in that version. I based the site on the CodeIgniter framework version 4. The site is currently very popular as... - Read more