phpBlueDragon File Safe

The software whose main task is the encrypt and the decryption of the indicated file with the algorithm AES. We find the file which is supposed to remain the subject to the encrypt or to the decryption, we enter the password to which we would like to protect the file. Remember Salt file, he is very important. Elsewise reading of the spring-content of the coded file will be more easy. This is the software after the fashion TrueCrypt, however much more simple.


The requirements are absolutely without which you can not use the software due to its construction and to facilitate the interface for the user.

Microsoft Framework 4.6



  • Improvement of the visual interface
  • Correcting the use of the Tab key
  • Disabling the field with the file name

  • Correct / change name
  • Correct / change color
  • Installer change / installer removal
  • Other fixes

  • Creating software